29 September 2008
For the Land of the Free, and the Home of the Homeless
"Government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it, And if it stops moving, subsidise it."
~Ronald Reagan

Okay so maybe I exagerated, but it's almost true, right? As many of you know Congress, in thier infinite wisdom, voted against the bail out plan the American economy so desperately needs. I'm not sure why people would vote against the possibility of getting more money. It's like peolpe voting against casinos or the Lotto. So in other news, the Michigan car industry got a bail out of $20 billion dollars. Good for them, to bad the American people can't afford to buy cars because thier economy is in the gutter. Well maybe its time to leave, I'm not sure where my next post will be from or even if there will be one (electricity is the first bill to go). Well...

For Now @ 4:30 PM

26 September 2008
"Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death."
It's a thing my family truly believes in. It stands for "The Power of Prayer". It has to do with the fact that this blog is about some family announcements for better or worse. My cousin has been over 10 years free of leukemia. His wife is pregnant with twins, which are due in the spring. My other cousin has been a year free of brain cancer. And my grandfather was diagnosed with cancer of the leg today. He's 80 years old and i don't know if he'll survive chemotherapy. I'm not sure how serious it really is but just so you are aware, he's the last grandparent I have, once he's gone my history goes too. Without a history, how can you find your future? This post is a plead with all of you to keep my cousin-in-law and grandfather in your prayers. Thank you very much.

For Now @ 10:16 PM

24 September 2008
"Mankind must put an end to war, or war will put an end to mankind."
~John Kennedy

What's overdue you ask, I'm not sure. I haven't written in a while, and I need to post something, but what? In news today, Senator McCain postponed his campaign to help with the financial issues our country is facing. Due to this information please ignore the last sentence. I just watched the infant's, I mean Ms. Fey's, no that's wrong, I meant Mrs. Palin's, interview with Katie Couric. The interview went well, if you enjoy watching Mrs. Palin beat around the bush and not answer any questions and then get yelled at by Ms. Couric. Mr. Biden also had an interview which he screwed up today. President Roosevelt had his "fire side chats" on the radio not the television stupid. Bush is about to go on and I can't say I'm all that interested in it. Well I guess this post is done!

For Now @ 8:45 PM

21 September 2008
Put Your Butt Down!
"If we see you smoking we will assume you are on fire and take appropriate action"
~Douglas Adams

Don't worry this post will be short enough for you survive without tobacco. Go on put out your cigar(ette), spit our your chewing tobacco. Is it gone, good. Smoking kills. Okay that's it. yup I'm done. What were you expecting me to say? Did you want me to mention my Great-Grandfather and how he died of emphysema. Or my Grandmother and all of her sisters, except one, who died from lung cancer due to their excessive smoking. Then there's my Step-Grandfather (lung cancer), my Great-Uncle (still living with emphysema). Then there are the countless others I don't know. My Uncle smokes, and I'm ashamed of it. That's correct, and if he reads this I want him to know that he's killing himself, his family and friends, and everyone else who breathes in his polluted air. Is that what you were expecting? If so I won't say it. I'll simply say PUT YOUR BUTT OUT.

For Now @ 4:15 PM

18 September 2008
Does It Really Matter
"Life's like a play; it's not the length but the excelence of the acting that matters."

For those of you who don't know, stop reading right now. For those of you who do infact know about the fall play and the chao s its caused, continue reading. Theres no point in making any comments against your director, his discissions are his discissions. Do I think the cast should be different? Yes, but very slightly so. Do I respect the director's discission? Yes, to the fullest extent of the word. The musical auditions are comming up, are you going to do this childish crap then too? It's just a show, calm down. I hope to see some of you in/at the show on the appropriate dates.

For Now @ 7:53 PM

You Took Me For
"The drastic steps I've takin'
Are just an act of desperation
I knew no one would miss me
So what the hell."
~Tim McGraw Kill Myself

You trusted me. I know that. You say your mad i kept you alive, but what was I supposed to do, watch you die and know I could have stopped it with a phone call? So I took action as I saw fit. I saved your life. I don't need you mad at me, but what else can I expect from you. I'm not sorry. A thank you isn't in order either. You shouldn't thank someone for screwing up your plans. I hope we can be friends again, if you ever forgive me. Yes thats right I said I'm sorry. I'm glad your alive, but I did lose your trust and I'm sorry for that. I'll change my farewell for you, for now.
"And I thank God
The devil in me died
I stand before you now
A man changed and alive."
~Tim McGraw Kill Myself
For Now @ 2:47 PM

17 September 2008
The Not So Stupid and the Oh So Stupid
"Character, in the long run, is the decisive factor in the life of an individual and of nations alike."
~Theodore Roosevelt

Mrs. Dingbat surprised me today. She was not stupid at all. Granted she had another teacher in the room, but I didn't have to make one comment on her presentation today. She asked me why I was so quiet and I said no reason. Next class will be different, why, because she asked for it.

To the quote, I am thankful for the screwed up life I have. People want things the change, hair color, ethnicity, and eye color. Me I'm grateful for the life I've received, the gifts I've been given, and the opportunities thrown my way. If life isn't what you think it should be make the best of it. Life sucks, get over it. Some people have issues with the cast of my schools fall show, the people who got the leads deserved them, not you pompous "older" and "more mature" people. I'm thankful for my part because its big in my mind. I don't have the most lines or face time on stage, but my part is big. I never believed the saying "there are no small parts just small actors", until today.

For Now @ 3:05 PM

16 September 2008
Worried for You

"There are more dead people than living. And their numbers are increasing. The living are getting rarer."
~Eugene Ionesco

Yes I care about you. No matter what you think, I care for you and don't want to see you kill yourself. You need to talk to your friends no matter what you think we might say. We're not as judgmental as you think we are, I promise. So seriously, just talk to me.

For Now @ 9:08 PM

Stupid Teacher 5
"I personally believe we developed language because of our deep inner need to complain."
~Jane Wagner

Surprised I got this far huh? Yeah me too, but this isn't about Mrs. Dingbat its about Ms. Doofy. Ms. Doofy teaches me Spanish and she does it like I'm in CP-B Spanish 1 not Honors Spanish 3. She hasn't given us any notes, and I hate it so much. I need notes so I can study for her God awful tests.

In other news, today Facebook officially changed to the "newer" suckier version of Facebook. I WANT MY OLD FACEBOOK BACK!!!!

Oh, and by the way I'm not sexist for not including a female quote before this post. I just found the male ones first.
For Now @ 4:34 PM

15 September 2008
Stupid Nausea
"Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint."
~Mark Twain

As the title says, I had a bad case of nausea. I got super sick and now I can't go to callbacks!!! Ah, I'm so mad!! I had to wait in the nurses office for 2 hours for my ride to get there. I'm home now, curled up on the sofa with my laptop and TV on waiting to get better and try to go to callbacks (still not gonna happen). Well I need to relax now.

For Now @ 2:53 PM

14 September 2008
Glad to Be Back
You have to do your own growing no matter how tall your grandfather was.
~Abraham Lincoln

I'm back from my trip, where I went isn't important. I didn't have internet where I was so when i arrived home I found my friends blogs (which are easily accessed through my blog) full of new posts which I needed to read. Also I beginning to hate you more, I hope you know that. Would it kill you to be more polite and act your age?

For Now @ 7:51 PM

12 September 2008
Posting Day
"The most wasted of all days is one without laughter."
-E. E. Cummings

Today my friends have posted at least twice, so i need to keep up with three. not much to say right now but i figured i should still post. I hope your enjoying the new post character (yes I've added quotes). I'll get sick of it soon, so don't worry if you hate it. If you like it then enjoy it while it lasts. Well I guess i need to tie in my quote so here it is. Everyone needs to laugh at themselves. I did today in history. I'm not going into specifics.

For Now @ 10:38 PM

How Dare You!
"A word to the wise ain't necessary, it's the stupid ones who need the advice."
-Bill Cosby

How dare you do that to my friend. You know who you are and who you hurt, and I have one thing to say to you, if you say a thing like that again and I found out, you will be in serious trouble. Why do people feel the need to hurt others? Sometimes I debate living with these incompetent people.

For Now @ 8:00 PM

"The rain is famous for falling on the just and unjust alike, but if I had the management of such affairs I would rain softly and sweetly on the just, but if I caught a sample of the unjust out doors I would drown him."
- quoted in My Father Mark Twain, Clara Clemens

I love Samuel Clemens. What does this have to do with the quote above your asking? Well if you don't know you don't deserve an answer. Today I took a walk in the rain for no reason. It was like I needed to and it was an entirely subconscious matter. I didn't go very far, just my yard and down the road a little bit. Its hard to imagine that i the light calm rain I'm experiencing could become a terrible hurricane, namely Ike. I'm not sure that we should give hurricanes President's names/nicknames, it almost ruins it for them. If you think about it Sam must not find favor on Texas.
For Now @ 7:47 PM

Stupid Teacher 4
Last night my school held an "open house". It's when the parents go through our classes and meet our teachers and stuff. This is when my mom met Mrs. Dingbat. Surprisingly enough my mom finds her a bit of child. So Mrs. Dingbat, if you're reading this I have a message from my mom and me, YOU TEACH LIKE YOUR 12!!

On a different note: the weather here sucks. It's overcast, but not raining. Do you get that weather or is that just my town? I mean if the clouds look like their gonna rain then they need to Rain.

For Now @ 3:59 PM

11 September 2008
A Moment of Silence
Seven years ago one of the worst moments in American History. I'm not sure if I'm writing this for you or for me. I'm glad your alive, and its a relief to be able to see you when i know theres a guy my age who won't be able to do the same thing. I hate when people don't see the seriousness in this day. Or worse, not to be derogatory at anyone, people only say we need remembrance of who we lost, what we really need is to be thankful for those who did survive and never let their stories die. Some people are convinced that this "one time thing" could never happen again. Well those people are idiots for forgetting the attacks in the early 1990's. I think that its coming in the very short time. Do I think we're ready? Not at all. National Security is far too low and needs to be stepped up. This post is half me and half of my fingers, I can't seen to stop. For all I know I might type far into the early hours of the day, but I can't, I have other things to do this evening. I think I'm done now, but I'll let you know.
For Now @ 5:34 PM

10 September 2008
Learn Your Place
I'm sorry for offending you but honestly I don't really care. Most high school freshman are idiots. One your hallway is yours for a reason, don't be our clogged artery, take some meds and see don't see me in the morning. Two if your gonna do our amazing theatre productions, make an awesome audition that makes you worthy of our appreciation. Finally, we really do hate you, and trust me you wont be different next year and be nice to the new freshman. These may or may not apply to your school but if you go to H(*&%#@$%%$#@$!@Q!$%$#@) High School and your a freshman, than this does apply to you.
For Now @ 10:19 PM

We are in love?
So today something interesting happened today. Some bright light asked if i was dating one of my best friends. I said no, and she said well then were you dating? Again i said no. I mean were good friends and appear close at school, but otherwise we really don't see each other or really truly know anything about the other person. I don't mean your favorite color I mean like sit and talk like you've been soul mates, which we're not. So to make it clear to some people, I am not dating (yes ladies its true I'm available).

For Now @ 9:44 PM

09 September 2008
Politics and books
First off let me say that people are voting for the president of the United States of America not the Vice President of the United States of America. Second when nominees lie or "forget some facts" they don't deserve the respect that an honest nominee does. Smeer campaigns and commercials have no place in a civilized campaign. On a different note, my friend is writing an amazing book no matter what she says. Its full of themes, symbols, and entertainment. She does think she needs help balancing dialog and description. Honestly I think she puts too much pressure on herself. She needs to stop analyzing and read it like someone else wrote it. If she tries to get it "perfect" then she'll die not finishing it (okay maybe not) but still. She needs to fix what she wants, appreciate her gift, and publish it (she better give me 10% of her profits too).
For Now @ 8:57 PM

"Patience is a virtue, keep it while you can. Rarely found in women, seldom found in men." A variation of a proverb I've heard all my life. I'm seriously considering leaving this country due to the moronicness of this country. People need to slow down and think about their political choice. There are 2 months until the elections seriously thats more than enough time to really make an educated vote for president. this guy is gonna be running your country for 4 years (unless he dies) thats a long time. its longer than the Iraqi and Afghani wars our country is in right now. and for you ignorant people out there who think its one war, your wrong, its two. My message, change we can believe in starts with you, wait until you have all your facts and truths straight before you say i prefer him to him.
For Now @ 8:00 PM

Stupid Teacher 3
Yes this post has continued yet again. Mrs Dingbat drew a blank today when a student (okay it was me) asked her her opinion on when the wise men arrived in Bethlehem. We couldn't seem to agree on the two year old theory. When I read Matthew 2:16 (Catholic Bible) I come to believe that Herod killed all the children under two because Jesus was two when the magi arrived. She took it as a careful measure on Herod's part. Today in class we went over Jewish dietary laws and other random tangents from the Bible. If only she would focus on her point. O I'm sorry i forgot she doesn't have one. Maybe Thursday will be different??
For Now @ 4:16 PM

08 September 2008
Birthday Celebration
Yesterday was my birthday. How old I am is not important. What happened is. My father, his wife, and my half brothers. Now my father is an ok guy, but his wife and sons, forget it. My younger brothers are the biggest brats in the world, and my "step mom" is extremely ignorant and hates me. But anyway my birthday was nice besides that. I'm still waiting on some friends for presents I've been promised, i digress, it was a good birthday, like most. I'm not sure if theres more to say except that my friend is writing a book and she wont let me read it. Her name is Esta Fuego (I'm not kidding). her blog can be accessed through mine.

For Now @ 3:14 PM

06 September 2008
Stupid Person
You know who you are. This post is harsh and i warn readers that its offensive, rude, and totally a venting process for me. Letters that don't get sent don't work for me i need it to be out in the open for them to see. I now begin. You are one of the most egotistic persons I know. You think it's funny to watch other people suffer. You know what most people think, that you are the lowest piece of slime they have ever met. Get a new personality, For the better of all. Why do you feel the need to use me as the butt of your jokes when others are looking then 'apologize in private and pretend u don't know what you've done? Never mind I don't want to hear your voice unless I have to.
For Now @ 10:22 AM

05 September 2008
Worst Day of School
As the title says today sucked. First i got a birthday present that didn't fit in my locker. I spent all of before homeroom trying to find a place for it. finally i left it with one of the best teachers in the world. as i returned to my locker to get my algebra book and binder i found out that i had grabbed my Spanish binder instead. When i went back to my locker (which had been decorated when i left), i found it stripped of everything on it. Pretty soon it was time for gym. I don't know where you live, but here it's so hot you could crack an egg on the sidewalk. We played tennis today and my best friend ended up teaming with someone else. Not that I'm complaining, my partner was cool too. any way after gym i go straight to lunch. well as i changed back in to my relaxed uniform (which wasn't much of a difference). Then i spent a class with Mrs. Dingbat (see earlier posts). Finally when i got home, I destroyed my dinner.
For Now @ 10:19 PM

Stupid Teacher 2
Christopher Columbus did not discover the American Continents. Christopher was not the first to "re-discover" the American Continent. Besides being an evil man to the people he met when he did arrive here. Christopher Columbus died thinking he had gotten to India, hence the term for Native Americans. Amerigo Vespucci did not discover the American Continents. Amerigo Vespucci did "re-discover" the Continents named after him, for the whole of Europe. I'm sure your asking what this has to do with Mrs. Dingbat, well today she told us that history is distorted by the winners. She needs to check her facts because she was wrong as well. She also insulted one of Americas greatest heroines, Rosa Parks. Rosa Parks was arrested for not moving back to the newly reduced "colored" zone of the Montgomery Public Bus she was riding. She was in the "colored" only section only until the bus driver (whom she had had trouble with before) moved the "line". She was not the first person arrested in this way yet she became the symbol of the Montgomery Bus Boycott. There was a teen who was arrested in March of the same year who was arrested, too. She was the symbol, until scandalous details were discovered about her current love life (she was seeing a married man) and she was released and they story cooled down. The story we received in class told us that Rosa getting arrested was planned. The teen was first until they found out she was pregnant. If you payed attention both arrests were separate. They hold one thing in common, two women were arrested for "disobeying" a law. I'm planning on trying to transfer out of Mrs. Dingbats class asap. I'm sure this story will continue.
For Now @ 5:58 PM

Thespian Life
I'm a theatre geek! there I said it, I am a theatre geek and proud of it. Most of my friends are theatre geeks, too (c'mon guys admit it). So any way the real reason i started this post was to talk about the show I'll be in soon. Its called Heaven Can Wait. Its about boxer who crashes a plane and almost dies. The problem is that angel 7013 takes him away. The truth is he was supposed to live another 50 years. so they put him in some rich guys body (the rich guy was recently murdered by his wife). As expected, she's surprised to find him alive and well. Long story short he retrains, re-dies, and finds a girl in the process. The other show we're doing is Barnum. As the title suggests, its about....the circus. Mr. Barnum at the beginning of his career. it features "the oldest woman", Tom Thumb, and other fantastic person.
For Now @ 3:04 PM

04 September 2008
Stupid Teacher
I've had some bad teachers in the past, but Mrs. Dingbat is by far the worst. She teaches religion. Now I'm not saying that I'm an expert on my faith, but the way she teaches it makes me want to hurt her in the middle of the night with a pot of...but i digress. On the first day we went through something very hard, how to find a book in the Bible (if you haven't figured out by now I'm Catholic and not ashamed). she started off by asking how many books are in the Bible, 73. So then she explains that if she were to say open your Bibles we would be confused. No kidding! Then she write "Genesis' on the board asking what happens in the book. Um lets see Adam and Eve have some kids, get kicked out Eden die, one brother kills the other, Noah builds an ark, God destroys two cities, and the Israelites end up enslaved in Egypt. then she writes down the name "Exodus". She asked us if we knew who left, where they went, and where they left. I say "The Israelites, The Promise Land (aka Israel), and Egypt." I swear i said it was with one breath, too. I would continue but i think you get my point. If you don't, then that's to bad for you.
For Now @ 7:35 PM